IMO Publikationen.
M Greifenstein (2024): Factors influencing the user behaviour of shared autonomous vehicles (SAVs): A systematic literature review. Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour
A Collet, J Linke (2024): Knowledge, Information or Configuration-An Analysis of Consumer Powertrain Choice in Germany.
M Greifenstein, H Güthner, F Kuhnert, A Herrmann (2024): Vom Testgelände auf die Straße – Ein Blick auf den weltweiten Stand der Shared Autonomous Vehicles. ATZ-Automobiltechnische Zeitschrift.
M Greifenstein, H Güthner, P Scharfenberger, P Kauschke, A Herrmann (2024): The Evolution of Shared Autonomous Vehicles (SAV)-Part 1: Market potential, user acceptance and early adopter groups
A Collet, P Scharfenberger (2023): Carsharing – Utopia or Real Gamechanger? Conceptualising The Potential of Carsharing for Tackling Carbon Emissions. Marketing Review St. Gallen.
J Linke, P Scharfenberger, J Stackmann (2023): New Mobility in Everyday Life – Perspectives From 20 Households Examined over Four Months. Marketing Review St. Gallen.
M Greifenstein (2023): Flugtaxis–Revolution aus der Luft? Marketing Review St. Gallen.
M Greifenstein, F Schakols, D Finken, R Hofstetter (2023): Who Would Subscribe for a Car? The Influence of Car Ownership, Environmental Consciousness, Age, and Place of Living. Marketing Review St. Gallen.
F Schakols, R Hofstetter, M Greifenstein, A Herrmann et al. (2023): Swiss Mobility Monitor 2023.
N Lang, M Hagenmaier, P Viggiani d’Avalos, P Silvestri (2022): How Urban Society Can Benefit from Inclusive Mobility. Marketing Review St. Gallen.
N Lang, D Schellong, M Hagenmaier, A Herrmann, M Hohenreuther (2022): Putting micromobility at the center of urban mobility
T Lieven, B Hügler (2021): Did Electric Vehicle Sales Skyrocket Due to Increased Environmental Awareness While Total Vehicle Sales Declined during COVID-19? Sustainability.
A Herrmann, P Scharfenberger, P Silvestri with further authors from WEF and BCG (2021): How Mobility Shapes Inclusion and Sustainable Growth in Global Cities.

Herrmann, A., & Brenner, W. (2018). Die autonome Revolution: wie selbstfahrende Autos unsere Straßen erobern (1. Auflage). Frankfurter Allgemeine Buch.

Herrmann, A., & Brenner, W. (2018). Die autonome Revolution: wie selbstfahrende Autos unsere Straßen erobern (1. Auflage). Frankfurter Allgemeine Buch.

Herrmann, A., Brenner, W., & Stadler, R. (2018). Autonomous Driving: How the Driverless Revolution Will Change the World. Emerald Publishing Limited.

Herrmann, A., Brenner, W., & Stadler, R. (2018). Autonomous Driving: How the Driverless Revolution Will Change the World. Emerald Publishing Limited.

Einhorn, M., Löffler, M., de Bellis, E., Herrmann, A. & Burghartz, P. (2021). The Machine Age of Customer Insight. Emerald.

Tomczak, T., Henkel, S. Henkel, St., Hauner, Chr. (2015): Mobilität aus Kundensicht: Wie Kunden ihren Mobilitätsbedarf decken und über das Mobilitätsangebot denken. Springer Gabler

Einhorn, M., Löffler, M., de Bellis, E., Herrmann, A. & Burghartz, P. (2021). The Machine Age of Customer Insight. Emerald.

Tomczak, T., Henkel, S. Henkel, St., Hauner, Chr. (2015): Mobilität aus Kundensicht: Wie Kunden ihren Mobilitätsbedarf decken und über das Mobilitätsangebot denken. Springer Gabler
A-Journal-Publikationen von IMO-Mitarbeitenden.
Mrkva, Kellen; Johnson, Eric J.; Gächter, Simon; Herrmann, Andreas (2020): Moderating Loss Aversion: Loss Aversion Has Moderators, But Reports of its Death are Greatly Exaggerated. Journal of Consumer Psychology, Vol. 30, Issue 3, July 2020, pp. 407-428
Walter, M.; C. Hildebrand; G. Häubl; A. Herrmann (2020): Mixing It Up: Unsystematic Product Arrangements Promote the Choice of Unfamiliar Products, in: Journal of Marketing Research, f 57 (3). 509-526
Rietmann, Nele, Beatrice Hügler, and Theo Lieven (2020) Forecasting the trajectory of electric vehicle sales and the consequences for worldwide CO2 emissions. Journal of Cleaner Production, 261, 1–16.
de Bellis, Emanuel; Hildebrand, Christian; Ito, Kenichi; Herrmann, Andreas & Schmitt, Bernd (2019) Personalizing the Customization Experience: A Matching Theory of Mass Customization Interfaces and Cultural Information Processing. Journal of Marketing Research, 56 (6). 1050-1065.
Rietmann, Nele and Theo Lieven (2019) How policy measures succeeded to promote electric mobility – Worldwide review and outlook. Journal of Cleaner Production, 206, 66–75.
Berger, Axel; Schlager, Tobias; Sprott, David E. & Herrmann, Andreas (2018) Gamified interactions: whether, when, and how games facilitate self–brand connections. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 46 (4). 652-673.
Schlager, Tobias; Hildebrand, Christian; Häubl, Gerald; Franke, Nikolaus & Herrmann, Andreas (2018): Social Product-Customization Systems: Peer Input, Conformity, and Consumers’ Evaluation of Customized Products. Journal of Management Information Systems: JMIS, 35 (1). 319-349
Hofstetter, R.; Zhang. J.; Herrmann, A. (2018): Successive Open Innovation Contests and Incentives: Winner-Takes-All or Multiple Prizes?, Journal of Product Innovation Management, 2018, 492-517
Hofstetter, Reto; Suleiman, Aryobsei & Herrmann, Andreas (2017) Rethinking Crowdsourcing. Harvard business review: Harvard Business Review, (November-December). 19-22.
Hofstetter, Reto; Zhang, John Z. & Herrmann, Andreas (2017) The Hidden Pitfall of Innovation Prizes. Harvard Business Review, ISSN 0017-8012
Müller-Stewens, Jessica; Schlager, Tobias; Häubl, Gerald & Herrmann, Andreas (2017) Gamified Information Presentation and Consumer Adoption of Product Innovations. Journal of Marketing: JM, 81 (2). 8-24.
Hofstetter, R.; Aryobsei, S,; Herrmann, A. (2017): Should You Really Produce What Consumers Like Online? Empirical Evidence for Reciprocal Voting in Open Innovation Contests, forthcoming, Journal of Product Innovation Management, 2018, 209-229
de Bellis, Emanuel, David E. Sprott, Andreas Herrmann, Hans-Werner Bierhoff, and Elke Rohmann (2016), „The Influence of Trait and State Narcissism on the Uniqueness of Mass-Customized Products,” Journal of Retailing, 92 (2), 162–72.
Walter, Benjamin; Wentzel, Daniel; Tomczak, Torsten (2016): Securing Frontline Employee Support after an Ethical Scandal: The Moderating Impact of Response Strategies. Journal of Service Research, 19 (4). pp. 417-432.
de Bellis, Emanuel, Christian Hildebrand, Kenichi Ito, and Andreas Herrmann (2015), “Cross-National Differences in Uncertainty Avoidance Predict the Effectiveness of Mass Customization across East Asia: A Large-Scale Field Investigation,” Marketing Letters, 26 (3), 309–20.
Lieven, Theo (2015). Policy measures to promote electric mobility – A global perspective. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, 82, 78–93.
Herhausen, Dennis; Binder, Jochen; Schögel, Marcus & Herrmann, Andreas (2015) Integrating Bricks with Clicks : Retailer-Level and Channel-Level Outcomes of Online-Offline Channel Integration. Journal of Retailing, 91 (2). 309-325.
Hildebrand, Christian; Häubl, Gerald; Herrmann, Andreas: Product Customization via Starting Solutions (2014), in: Journal of Marketing Research; Vol. 51, No. 6, Special Issue on Theory and Practice in Marketing, pp. 707-725
Wentzel, Daniel; Tomczak, Torsten; Henkel, Sven (2014): Can Friends Also Become Customers? The Impact of Employee Referral Programs on Referral Likelihood. In: Journal of Service Research 2014, May, pp. 119-133
Hildebrand, Christian; Häubl, Gerald; Herrmann, Andreas & Landwehr, Jan R. (2013) When Social Media Can Be Bad for You: Community Feedback Stifles Consumer Creativity and Reduces Satisfaction with Self-Designed Products. Information Systems Research, 24 (1). 14-29.
Hildebrand, Christian; Häubl, Gerald; Herrmann, Andreas & Landwehr, Jan R. (2013) Conformity and the Crowd. Harvard Business Review, 2013 (4). 23-24.
Landwehr, Jan R.; Wentzel, Daniel & Herrmann, Andreas (2013) Product Design for the Long Run: Consumer Responses to Typical and Atypical Designs at Different Stages of Exposure. Journal of Marketing, 77 (5). 92-107.
Herrmann, A.; E. Spangenberg, D. Sprott & M. Zidansek (2013): The Power of Simplicity: Processing Fluency and the Effect of Olfactory Cues on Retail Sales, in: Journal of Retailing, 2013, 30-43.
Spanjol, Jelena; Mühlmeier, Silke; Tomczak, Torsten (2012): Strategic Orientation and Product Innovation: Exploring a Decompositional Approach. In: Journal of Product Innovation Management 29 (2012), Nr. 06/2012, pp. 967-985
Lieven, Theo, Silke Mühlmeier, Sven Henkel, and Johann F. Waller (2011). Who will buy electric cars? An empirical study in Germany. Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment, 16 (3), 236–43.
Landwehr, Jan R.; Labroo, Aparna & Herrmann, Andreas (2011) Gut Liking for the Ordinary: Incorporating Design Fluency Improves Automobile Sales Forecasts. Marketing Science, 30 (3). 416-429.
Landwehr, Jan R.; McGill, Ann L. & Herrmann, Andreas (2011) It’s Got the Look : The Effect of Friendly and Aggressive „Facial“ Expressions on Product Liking and Sales. Journal of Marketing, 75 (3). 132-146.
Levav, Jonathan; Heitmann, Mark; Herrmann, Andreas & Iyengar, Sheena S. (2010) Order in Product Customization Decisions: Evidence from Filed Experiments. Journal of Political Economy, 118 (2). 274-299.
Henkel, Sven; Wentzel, Daniel; Tomczak, Torsten (2010): Can I Live Up to that Ad? The Impact of Implicit Theories of Ability on Service Employees‘ Responses to Print Advertisements, Journal of Service Research, May 2010 13: pp. 137-152
Morhart, Felicitas; Herzog, Walter; Tomczak, Torsten (2009): Brand-Specific Leadership: Turning Employees into Brand Champions, Journal of Marketing, Vol. 73(5), 2009, pp. 122-142.
Goldstein, Daniel G.; Johnson, Eric J.; Herrmann, Andreas & Heitmann, Mark (2008) Nudge Your Customers Toward Better Choices. Harvard Business Review, 86 (12). 99-105.
Heitmann, Mark; Lehmann, Donald R. & Herrmann, Andreas (2007) Choice Goal Attainment and Decision and Consumption Satisfaction. Journal of Marketing Research, 44 (2). 234-250.
Johnson, Michael; Herrmann, Andreas & Huber, Frank (2006) The Evolution of Loyalty Intentions. Journal of Marketing, 70 (2). 122-132.
Algesheimer, René; Dholakia, Paul & Herrmann, Andreas (2005) The social Influence of Brand Community: Evidence from European Car Clubs. Journal of Marketing, 69 (3). 19-34.
Herrmann, Andreas; Johnson, Michael & Bauer, Hans (1999) The Effects of Price Bundling on Consumer Evaluations of Product Offerings. International Journal of Research in Marketing, 16 (2). 129-142.
Herrmann, Andreas; Johnson, Michael & Huber, Frank (1998) Growth through Product-Sharing Services. Journal of Service Research, 1 (2). 167-177.