IMO Publikationen.

Herrmann, A., & Brenner, W. (2018). Die autonome Revolution: wie selbstfahrende Autos unsere Straßen erobern (1. Auflage). Frankfurter Allgemeine Buch.


Herrmann, A., & Brenner, W. (2018). Die autonome Revolution: wie selbstfahrende Autos unsere Straßen erobern (1. Auflage). Frankfurter Allgemeine Buch.


Herrmann, A., Brenner, W., & Stadler, R. (2018). Autonomous Driving: How the Driverless Revolution Will Change the World. Emerald Publishing Limited.


Herrmann, A., Brenner, W., & Stadler, R. (2018). Autonomous Driving: How the Driverless Revolution Will Change the World. Emerald Publishing Limited.


Einhorn, M., Löffler, M., de Bellis, E., Herrmann, A. & Burghartz, P. (2021). The Machine Age of Customer Insight. Emerald.


Tomczak, T., Henkel, S. Henkel, St., Hauner, Chr. (2015): Mobilität aus Kundensicht: Wie Kunden ihren Mobilitätsbedarf decken und über das Mobilitätsangebot denken. Springer Gabler


Einhorn, M., Löffler, M., de Bellis, E., Herrmann, A. & Burghartz, P. (2021). The Machine Age of Customer Insight. Emerald.


Tomczak, T., Henkel, S. Henkel, St., Hauner, Chr. (2015): Mobilität aus Kundensicht: Wie Kunden ihren Mobilitätsbedarf decken und über das Mobilitätsangebot denken. Springer Gabler

A-Journal-Publikationen von IMO-Mitarbeitenden.
  • Mrkva, Kellen; Johnson, Eric J.; Gächter, Simon; Herrmann, Andreas (2020): Moderating Loss Aversion: Loss Aversion Has Moderators, But Reports of its Death are Greatly Exaggerated. Journal of Consumer Psychology, Vol. 30, Issue 3, July 2020, pp. 407-428

  • Walter, M.; C. Hildebrand; G. Häubl; A. Herrmann (2020): Mixing It Up: Unsystematic Product Arrangements Promote the Choice of Unfamiliar Products, in: Journal of Marketing Research, f 57 (3). 509-526

  • Rietmann, Nele, Beatrice Hügler, and Theo Lieven (2020) Forecasting the trajectory of electric vehicle sales and the consequences for worldwide CO2 emissions. Journal of Cleaner Production, 261, 1–16.

  • de Bellis, Emanuel; Hildebrand, Christian; Ito, Kenichi; Herrmann, Andreas & Schmitt, Bernd (2019) Personalizing the Customization Experience: A Matching Theory of Mass Customization Interfaces and Cultural Information Processing. Journal of Marketing Research, 56 (6). 1050-1065.

  • Rietmann, Nele and Theo Lieven (2019) How policy measures succeeded to promote electric mobility – Worldwide review and outlook. Journal of Cleaner Production, 206, 66–75.

  • Berger, Axel; Schlager, Tobias; Sprott, David E. & Herrmann, Andreas (2018) Gamified interactions: whether, when, and how games facilitate self–brand connections. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 46 (4). 652-673.

  • Schlager, Tobias; Hildebrand, Christian; Häubl, Gerald; Franke, Nikolaus & Herrmann, Andreas (2018): Social Product-Customization Systems: Peer Input, Conformity, and Consumers’ Evaluation of Customized Products. Journal of Management Information Systems: JMIS, 35 (1). 319-349

  • Hofstetter, R.; Zhang. J.; Herrmann, A. (2018): Successive Open Innovation Contests and Incentives: Winner-Takes-All or Multiple Prizes?, Journal of Product Innovation Management, 2018, 492-517

  • Hofstetter, Reto; Suleiman, Aryobsei & Herrmann, Andreas (2017) Rethinking Crowdsourcing. Harvard business review: Harvard Business Review, (November-December). 19-22.

  • Hofstetter, Reto; Zhang, John Z. & Herrmann, Andreas (2017) The Hidden Pitfall of Innovation Prizes. Harvard Business Review, ISSN 0017-8012

  • Müller-Stewens, Jessica; Schlager, Tobias; Häubl, Gerald & Herrmann, Andreas (2017) Gamified Information Presentation and Consumer Adoption of Product Innovations. Journal of Marketing: JM, 81 (2). 8-24.

  • Hofstetter, R.; Aryobsei, S,; Herrmann, A. (2017): Should You Really Produce What Consumers Like Online? Empirical Evidence for Reciprocal Voting in Open Innovation Contests, forthcoming, Journal of Product Innovation Management, 2018, 209-229

  • de Bellis, Emanuel, David E. Sprott, Andreas Herrmann, Hans-Werner Bierhoff, and Elke Rohmann (2016), „The Influence of Trait and State Narcissism on the Uniqueness of Mass-Customized Products,” Journal of Retailing, 92 (2), 162–72.

  • Walter, Benjamin; Wentzel, Daniel; Tomczak, Torsten (2016): Securing Frontline Employee Support after an Ethical Scandal: The Moderating Impact of Response Strategies. Journal of Service Research, 19 (4). pp. 417-432.

  • de Bellis, Emanuel, Christian Hildebrand, Kenichi Ito, and Andreas Herrmann (2015), “Cross-National Differences in Uncertainty Avoidance Predict the Effectiveness of Mass Customization across East Asia: A Large-Scale Field Investigation,” Marketing Letters, 26 (3), 309–20.

  • Lieven, Theo (2015). Policy measures to promote electric mobility – A global perspective. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, 82, 78–93.

  • Herhausen, Dennis; Binder, Jochen; Schögel, Marcus & Herrmann, Andreas (2015) Integrating Bricks with Clicks : Retailer-Level and Channel-Level Outcomes of Online-Offline Channel Integration. Journal of Retailing, 91 (2). 309-325.

  • Hildebrand, Christian; Häubl, Gerald; Herrmann, Andreas: Product Customization via Starting Solutions (2014), in: Journal of Marketing Research; Vol. 51, No. 6, Special Issue on Theory and Practice in Marketing, pp. 707-725

  • Wentzel, Daniel; Tomczak, Torsten; Henkel, Sven (2014): Can Friends Also Become Customers? The Impact of Employee Referral Programs on Referral Likelihood. In: Journal of Service Research 2014, May, pp. 119-133

  • Hildebrand, Christian; Häubl, Gerald; Herrmann, Andreas & Landwehr, Jan R. (2013) When Social Media Can Be Bad for You: Community Feedback Stifles Consumer Creativity and Reduces Satisfaction with Self-Designed Products. Information Systems Research, 24 (1). 14-29.

  • Hildebrand, Christian; Häubl, Gerald; Herrmann, Andreas & Landwehr, Jan R. (2013) Conformity and the Crowd. Harvard Business Review, 2013 (4). 23-24.

  • Landwehr, Jan R.; Wentzel, Daniel & Herrmann, Andreas (2013) Product Design for the Long Run: Consumer Responses to Typical and Atypical Designs at Different Stages of Exposure. Journal of Marketing, 77 (5). 92-107.

  • Herrmann, A.; E. Spangenberg, D. Sprott & M. Zidansek (2013): The Power of Simplicity: Processing Fluency and the Effect of Olfactory Cues on Retail Sales, in: Journal of Retailing, 2013, 30-43.

  • Spanjol, Jelena; Mühlmeier, Silke; Tomczak, Torsten (2012): Strategic Orientation and Product Innovation: Exploring a Decompositional Approach. In: Journal of Product Innovation Management 29 (2012), Nr. 06/2012, pp. 967-985

  • Lieven, Theo, Silke Mühlmeier, Sven Henkel, and Johann F. Waller (2011). Who will buy electric cars? An empirical study in Germany. Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment, 16 (3), 236–43.

  • Landwehr, Jan R.; Labroo, Aparna & Herrmann, Andreas (2011) Gut Liking for the Ordinary: Incorporating Design Fluency Improves Automobile Sales Forecasts. Marketing Science, 30 (3). 416-429.

  • Landwehr, Jan R.; McGill, Ann L. & Herrmann, Andreas (2011) It’s Got the Look : The Effect of Friendly and Aggressive „Facial“ Expressions on Product Liking and Sales. Journal of Marketing, 75 (3). 132-146.

  • Levav, Jonathan; Heitmann, Mark; Herrmann, Andreas & Iyengar, Sheena S. (2010) Order in Product Customization Decisions: Evidence from Filed Experiments. Journal of Political Economy, 118 (2). 274-299.

  • Henkel, Sven; Wentzel, Daniel; Tomczak, Torsten (2010): Can I Live Up to that Ad? The Impact of Implicit Theories of Ability on Service Employees‘ Responses to Print Advertisements, Journal of Service Research, May 2010 13: pp. 137-152

  • Morhart, Felicitas; Herzog, Walter; Tomczak, Torsten (2009): Brand-Specific Leadership: Turning Employees into Brand Champions, Journal of Marketing, Vol. 73(5), 2009, pp. 122-142.

  • Goldstein, Daniel G.; Johnson, Eric J.; Herrmann, Andreas & Heitmann, Mark (2008) Nudge Your Customers Toward Better Choices. Harvard Business Review, 86 (12). 99-105.

  • Heitmann, Mark; Lehmann, Donald R. & Herrmann, Andreas (2007) Choice Goal Attainment and Decision and Consumption Satisfaction. Journal of Marketing Research, 44 (2). 234-250.

  • Johnson, Michael; Herrmann, Andreas & Huber, Frank (2006) The Evolution of Loyalty Intentions. Journal of Marketing, 70 (2). 122-132.

  • Algesheimer, René; Dholakia, Paul & Herrmann, Andreas (2005) The social Influence of Brand Community: Evidence from European Car Clubs. Journal of Marketing, 69 (3). 19-34.

  • Herrmann, Andreas; Johnson, Michael & Bauer, Hans (1999) The Effects of Price Bundling on Consumer Evaluations of Product Offerings. International Journal of Research in Marketing, 16 (2). 129-142.

  • Herrmann, Andreas; Johnson, Michael & Huber, Frank (1998) Growth through Product-Sharing Services. Journal of Service Research, 1 (2). 167-177.