Andreas Herrmann ist Professor für Betriebswirtschaftslehre und führt gemeinsam mit Torsten Tomczak und Wolfgang Jenewein das Institut für Mobilität an der Universität St. Gallen (IMO-HSG). Zudem ist er Visiting Professor an der London School of Economics (LSE Cities) und der Stockholm School of Economics. Darüber hinaus leitet er das Executive Education Programm zu Smart Mobility Management und ist akademischer Direktor der HSG Summer School für empirische Forschungsmethoden. Er veröffentlichte 15 Bücher unter anderem zum autonomen Fahren und mehr als 250 wissenschaftliche Aufsätze in führenden internationalen Zeitschriften wie dem Journal of Marketing, Marketing Science und dem Journal of Marketing Research. Andreas Herrmann führt seit Jahren Kooperationsprojekte mit Unternehmen wie etwa Audi, Porsche, Roche, Sonova und vielen anderen durch. Er promovierte an der Otto Beisheim School of Management (WHU) und habilitierte sich an der Universität Mannheim.

Ausgewählte Publikationen

Autonomous Driving
In: Emerald, London, 2018
(Andreas Herrmann, Walter Brenner & Rupert Stadler)

Mobility for all … at The Push of a Button
In: Emerald, London, 2022
(Andreas Herrmann & Johann Jungwirth)

Constraining Ideas: How Seeing Ideas of Others Harms Creativity in Open Innovation
in: Journal of Marketing Research, 2021, 95-114
(Darren Dahl, Reto Hofstetter, Suleiman Aryobsei & Andreas Herrmann)

Moderating Loss Aversion: Loss Aversion Has Moderators, But Reports of its Death are Greatly Exaggerated
in: Journal of Consumer Psychology, 2020
(Kellen Mrkva, Eric J. Johnson, Simon Gächter, Andreas Herrmann)

Mixing it up: Disfluent Product Display Formats Promote the Choice of Unfamiliar Products
in: Journal of Marketing Research, 2020, 509-526
(Maik Walter, Christian Hildebrand, Gerald Häubl, Andreas Herrmann)

Personalizing the Customization Experience: A Matching Theory of Mass Customization Interfaces and Cultural Information Processing
in: Journal of Marketing Research, 2019, 1-6
(Emanuel de Bellis, Christian Hildebrand, Ito Kenichi, Andreas Herrmann & Bernd Schmitt)

Social Product Customization Systems: Peer Input, Conformity, and Consumers’ Evaluation of Customized Products
in: Journal of Management Information Systems, 2018, 35 (1), 319-349
(Tobias Schlager, Christian Hildebrand, Gerald Häubl, Nikolaus Franke & Andreas Herrmann)

Gamified Interactions: Whether, When and How Games facilitate Self-Brand Connections
in: Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 2018, 46 (4), 652-673
(Axel Berger, Tobias Schlager, David E. Sprott & Andreas Herrmann)

The hidden Pitfall of Innovation Prizes
in: Harvard Business Review, 2017
(Reto Hofstetter, Z. John Zhang & Andreas Herrmann)

Rethinking Crowdsourcing
in: Harvard Business Review, 2017
(Reto Hofstetter, Aryobsei Suleiman & Andreas Herrmann)

Gamified Information Presentation and Consumer Adoption of Product Innovations
in: Journal of Marketing, 2017, 81 (2), 8-24
(Jessica Müller-Stewens, Tobias Schlager, Gerald Häubl & Andreas Herrmann)

Product Customization via Starting Solution
in: Journal of Marketing Research, 2014, 51 (6), 707-725
(Christian Hildebrand, Gerald Häubl & Andreas Herrmann)

Product Design for the Long Run: Consumer Responses to Typical and Atypical Designs at Different Staged of Exposure
in: Journal of Marketing, 2013, 77 (5), 92-107
(Jan R. Landwehr, Daniel Wentzel & Andreas Herrmann)

When Social Media can be bad for you: Community Feedback Stifles Consumer Creativity and Reduces Satisfaction with Self-Designed Products
in: Information System Research, 2013, 24 (1), 14-29
(Christian Hildebrand, Gerald Häubl, Andreas Herrmann & Jan R. Landwehr)

Conformity and the Crowd
in: Harvard Business Review, 2013
(Christian Hildebrand, Andreas Herrmann, Gerald Häubl & Jan R. Landwehr)

Gut Liking for the Ordinary: Incorporating Design Fluency Improves Automobile Sales Forecast
in: Marketing Science, 2011, 30(3), 389-564
(Jan R. Landwehr, Aparna A. Labroo & Andreas Herrmann)

It’s Got the Look: The Effect of Firendly and Aggressive Facial Expression on Product Liking and Sales
in: Journal of Marketing, 2011, 132-146
(Jan R. Landwehr, Ann L. McGill & Andreas Herrmann)

Order in Product Customization Decisions: Evidence from Field Experiments
in: Journal of Political Economy, 2010, 274-299
(Jonathan Levav, Mark Heitmann, Andreas Herrmann & Sheena S. Iyengar)

Nudge your Customers toward better Choices
in: Harvard Business Review, 2008, 86 (12), 99-105
(Daniel G. Goldstein, Eric J. Johnson, Andreas Herrmann & Mark Heitamann)

Choice Goal Attainment and Decision and Consumption Satisfaction
in: Journal of Marketing Research, 2007, 44(2), 234-250
(Mark Heitmann, Donald R. Lehmann & Andreas Herrmann)

The Evoluation of Loyalty Intentions
in: Journal of Marketing, 2006, 122-132
(Michael D. Johnson, Andreas Herrmann & Frank Huber)

The Social Influence of Brand Community: Evidence from European Car Clubs
in: Journal of Marketing, 2005, 69 (3), 19-34
(René Algesheimer, Utpal M. Dholakia & Andreas Herrmann)